The CRC invites the public to share their views on constitutional reform

The Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC) received oral and written submissions from the Jamaican Language Unit (JLU) and Jamaica Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism (Jamaica LANDS), during its ninth meeting yesterday (May 10).  The JLU proposed the following:  Jamaica LANDS recommended the following (among other things):  These sessions form part of the CRC’s ongoing..

Constitutional Reform Committee To Facilitate Transition To Republic

A Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC), to include representatives from the Government, Parliamentary Opposition, relevant experts, and the wider society, is to be appointed to ensure Jamaica’s smooth transition to a Republic. Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Hon. Marlene Malahoo Forte, made the announcement during her 2022/23 Sectoral Debate presentation in the House of Representatives..

Secretariat Established to Support Constitutional Reform Committee

A Secretariat, managed by the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, has been established to provide technical guidance and support to the Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC). The officers of the Secretariat are drawn from the Ministry and include the Permanent Secretary, Director of Legal Reform, Chief Parliamentary Counsel, Senior Constitutional Reform Officer, as well as..

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